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Youth Work Experience Programs

What can our Youth Career Services Program do for you?

We offer no-cost Career Services for New Mexico teens and young adults from ages 16 to 24. Get the latest information about our Youth Program and Albuquerque YDI services in this quick one-minute video and learn about how we can connect you to job search assistance, tuition assistance, on-the-job-training, and much more! You can visit any one of the Central Region America’s Job Centers located in Albuquerque, Los Lunas, Rio Rancho, or Moriarty. Call 505-843-1900 to learn more.

What is WIOA?

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 enacted a comprehensive youth employment program for serving eligible youth, ages 14-24, who face barriers to education, training, and employment.

Funds for youth services are allocated to states and local areas based on a formula. The WIOA Youth Program focuses primarily on out-of-school youth, requiring local areas to expend a minimum of 75% of WIOA youth funds on them. The program includes 14 program elements that are required to be made available to youth participants. WIOA prioritizes work experience through a 20% minimum expenditure rate for the work experience program element.

Local programs provide youth services in partnership with American Job Centers and under the direction of local Workforce Development Boards (for example, Workforce Connection of Central New Mexico). Learn about funding sources for WIOA programs and services here: www.wccnm.org/funding.

    a group of teens celebrating together in a library along with information about the wioa youth program in new Mexico

    Get PAID work experience through the WIOA Youth Program

    If you are eligible, the WIOA Youth Program can help you access opportunities for:

    • Work-based learning
    • Industry-recognized credentials
    • Employment in high-demand occupations.

    The program can provide:

    • Paid and unpaid work experiences (employment, apprenticeship, internships)
    • Tuition assistance for education & occupational skills training
    • Adult mentoring
    • Activities that help youth prepare for and transition to postsecondary education and training

    How do you know if you qualify? You qualify if you are in school and…

    • Between the ages of 14 and 21
    • Attending school (secondary or post-secondary)
    • Low income (see details below)
    • Meet at least one of the following:
      • English language learner
      • An offender
      • Homeless, runaway or foster child
      • Pregnant or parenting
      • Individual with a disability

    You qualify if you are out of school and…

    • Between the ages of 16 and 24
    • Are not attending school
    • Meet at least one of the following:
      • School drop out
      • Within the age of compulsory school attendance but have not attended school for at least the most recent compete school year calendar quarter
      • A recipient of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and are a low-income individual who is either basic skills deficient or an English language learner
      • Subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
      • Homeless, runaway or foster child
      • Pregnant or parenting.
      • Individual with a disability.

    How do you know if you qualify as low income? You qualify as low income if you:

    • Receive, or in the past 6 months have received, assistance through SNAP, TANF, SSI, or state or local income-based public assistance programs, or are in a family that meets this requirement
    • Are in a family with a total family income that does not exceed the higher of the poverty line or 70% of the LLSIL (see details below)
    • Are a homeless individual
    • Are a foster child
    • Are an individual with a disability whose income meets the requirements

    Renee’s Journey: From High School to a Promising Career

    Renee’s Success Story

    Building a career and pursuing your dreams through the WIOA Youth Program

    At 17, Renee faced significant challenges with hearing loss, but with support from her school counselor, she discovered our YDI WIOA Youth Program. Determined to graduate, Renee worked hard, earned her diploma, and set her sights on joining the workforce.

    With guidance from her Youth Development Practitioner at America’s Job Center, Renee landed a paid work experience position at ABC Preschool as a teacher’s assistant, quickly impressing everyone with her dedication and ability to connect with the children.

    By March 2024, Renee completed her internship hours and was offered a permanent position, solidifying her place in early childhood education. Her journey is a shining example of how the YDI & WIOA Youth Programs empower young people to overcome obstacles, build a career, and pursue their dreams!

    How do you enroll in the WIOA Youth Program?

    You can email Youth@wccnm.org or get help from staff at an American Job Center nearest you.

    What documents will I need to verify my eligibility?

    You will be asked to provide the following:

    • State-issued ID or driver’s license
    • Birth certificate
    • Social Security card
    • Proof of income (if applicable)
    • Proof of Selective Service registration (if you are a male 18 or over)

    How do you know if this program will work for you?

    Read our Success Stories!

    One of the best ways to recognize the program’s benefits is through success stories of others just like you.


    Reach out to Career Specialists and Youth Development Staff:

    Bernalillo County

    Marisa Hudson l 505.263.5877 l mhudson@wccnm.org

    Kylara Marsh l 505.203.9172 l kmarsh@wccnm.org

    Christopher McBride 505-588-1734 cmcbride@wccnm.org

    Sandoval County

    Eric Jack 505-721-0972 ejack@wccnm.org

    Jennifer Martinez 505.907.1401 l jenmartinez@wccnm.org

    Valencia County

    Marcelina Vargas l 505.388.8463 l mvargas@wccnm.org

    Marla Padilla 505-388-8463. mvargas@wccnm.org

    Torrance County

    Tammy Chavez  Email: trchavez@ydinm.org



    an employee and employer meeting




    Calling all Central New Mexico Businesses!

    Become a Youth Program worksite and help build our talent pipeline in Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance & Valencia counties.

    Are you interested in learning about the benefits of partnering with the WIOA Youth program?

    We invite you to connect with us today!

    Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia & Torrance Counties

    General Email: youth@wccnm.org