Did you serve in the Armed Forces?
You are a veteran if you are a former military service member or a National Guard Member or Reservist who served on active military duty. Your character, training, and skills are valued by businesses.
Priority of Service at the New Mexico Workforce Connection
Veterans receive priority of service in job search assistance including job referrals, career counseling, skills training as well as other employment related services. Veterans with disabilities receive the highest priority in all employment services.
This means that veterans and eligible spouses, who meet the eligibility requirement, will be given access to employment, training, and placement services at an earlier time or before persons who are not eligible for Priority of Service.
Intensive Services
Veterans who qualify for Intensive Services from our Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Representatives (DVOP) receive assistance with the following employment and training needs:
- Individual Employment Plan to identify employment goals, interim objectives, and appropriate services that will enable the veteran to meet his/her/their employment goals.
- In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify employment barriers and appropriate employment goals.
- Group and individual career coaching.
- Short-term pre-vocational services that may include the development of learning and communication, interviewing, and personal maintenance skills; and professional conduct to prepare individuals for career goals.
Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) develop hiring opportunities within the local areas by contacting businesses, Federal agencies and contractors, and employer associations to encourage the hiring and advancement of qualified veterans.
The LVER focuses on individualized job development services for veterans, especially those determined to be job-ready after receipt of individualized career services from a DVOP specialist.
Military-to-Civilian Crosswalk Tools:
- O*NET OnLine Crosswalk Search, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, allows you to search codes or titles from the Military Occupational Classification
- Military.com Military Skills Translator matches your military experience to civilian jobs. Just select your military service and enter your military job title
- My Next Move for Veterans helps you find careers like your military job. Enter the name or code of your military classification and the site will suggest civilian careers with similar work
- Careers and Employment – U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs career and employment information
- Women Veterans – additional resources from the U.S. Department of Labor
- Explore Apprenticeships – information from the U.S. Department of Labor on how to apply your GI Bill benefits to a VA approved Apprenticeship
- Additional resources from the Department of Labor

We are veterans helping veterans.
Are you interested in learning more about the services available to veterans? Our Veteran Services team can help you explore the services and opportunities available to you and can provide additional resources.


Why Hire a Vet?
- Leadership – Veterans are trained leaders; they are trained to lead by example as well as through direction, delegation, motivation, and inspiration.
- Teamwork – Veterans understand how teamwork grows out of a responsibility to one’s colleagues and how diverse individuals or groups can best work together to achieve objectives.
- Diversity and Inclusion in Action – Veterans have worked respectfully and cooperatively alongside others regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender religion, or mental and physical capabilities.
- Efficient Performance Under Pressure – Veterans have the capacity to know how to accomplish tasks on time, in spite of stress or adversity.
- Respect for Procedures – Veterans understand the value of accountability. They know how policies and procedures yield stability, safety, and productivity.
- Integrity – Veterans know what it means to do an “honest day’s work.” This integrity translates into qualities of sincerity and trustworthiness.
- Conscious of Health and Safety Standards – Veterans are cognizant of the importance of Health and Safety Standards. This consciousness translates into the protection of self, others, and property.
- Triumph Over Adversity – Veterans are individuals who have triumphed over adversity. They have the proven ability to overcome challenges and obstacles through strength and determination.
- Tax Incentives – Employers who hire Veterans will not only benefit from adding reliable, motivated, disciplined workers to their teams they may also be eligible for a tax break under the Work Opportunity Tax Credit. The Veterans Opportunity to Work to Hire Heroes Act authorizes a tax credit of up to:
- $2,400 to employers who hire Veterans who have been unemployed for four weeks to six months.
- $4,800 credit for hiring Veterans with service-connected disabilities within one year of discharge.
- $5,600 to employers who hire Veterans who have been unemployed for more than six months.
- $9,600 to employers who hire Veterans with service connected disabilities who have been out of work for more than six months.
Learn more about hiring a veteran:
- Hire a Veteran – benefits of hiring a veteran
- Veterans Employment Toolkit – a resource toolkit for employers
- Hiring a Vet Toolbox – customized solutions to your hiring, recruitment and training needs
- Create an Apprenticeship Program – a quick-start toolkit to building a registered apprenticeship program
- Additional resources from the Department of Labor
Connect with us!
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of hiring a veteran? Our Veteran Services team can help you explore opportunities available to employers and provide additional resources.
Call us at 505.843.1900 or email us to get started!