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Curious about success stories in the Adult & Dislocated Worker Program? Explore Inspiring Journeys Here!

How do you know if this program will work for you?

One of the best ways to recognize the program’s benefits is through success stories of others just like you.

Bernalillo County – Oscar Entered the WIOA program in February 2024. At the time of his application, Oscar was receiving unemployment benefits and qualified to participate in the dislocated worker program. Oscar had 23 years of experience as a production supervisor in the manufacturing industry. After working for his previous employer for eight years, Oscar was laid off. Oscar felt somewhat betrayed by his employer because he gave that company eight years of hard work and dedication. Oscar felt like his loyalty to the company was not appreciated. When he became unemployed, he realized it was time for a career change.

Oscar enrolled in the CDL training program at Phoenix Truck Driving School in February of 2024 with a completion date of April 2024. This decision came easy to Oscar because he’s always wanted to become a truck driver since he was a child. He was going to take the necessary steps to obtain his CDL when he was 19 years old, but he had to put his dream on hold because his first daughter was born. Then he had more children, so he had to focus on raising his family. But now that his children are all grown adults, Oscar decided that it was the perfect time to pursue his dream, his recent lay-off would give him the time and opportunity to do so.

During his training, Oscar learned how to inspect the tractor trailer before, during, and after each trip. He learned how to drive and maneuver a semi-truck while pulling a trailer on the road, and how to properly back up the trailer into a loading dock. He also learned how to shift a manual transmission while speeding up, and how to slow down without using breaks by downshifting with the use of the gears. Oscar obtained his commercial learner’s permit in February and went on to complete the CDL training program at Phoenix Truck Driving School on 4/23/2024 when he obtained his CDL.

Within a month of obtaining his CDL, Oscar obtained employment with Swift Transportation. Oscar remains employed with Swift Transportation as a truck driver and is extremely grateful for the funding he received through WIOA. Oscar is excited about his future because, thanks to WIOA, he found his way into an industry with a stable and rewarding career. After a few years of driving experience, Oscar will pursue his next goal of becoming an owner-operator and Managing his own company!

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Lauren Lauren’s Journey to becoming a registered nurse is a testament to her unwavering resilience and perseverance in the face of the challenges posed by frequent military relocations. When her husband’s service in the US Air Force led their family to New Mexico, Lauren found herself adapting to new surroundings, reapplying for licensing as an aesthetician, and nurturing her two children without the familiar network of friends and family. Through each move, she encountered unique obstacles that tested her resilience, yet fueled her determination to pursue a career that could offer stability and fulfillment.

A pivotal moment in Lauren’s life occurred at the age of fourteen, when a life-threatening incident landed her in the hospital for an extended period. The care and support she received from nurses during this challenging time left an indelible mark on her, igniting a deep admiration for the nursing profession and a passion for advocating patient empowerment in healthcare decisions. With her children growing older and her husband’s unwavering support, Lauren made the courageous decision to return to school and chase her dream of becoming a nurse.

After thorough research and discussion with her husband, Lauren enrolled in the registered nursing program at Carrington College. During her studies, she discovered the WIOA program, which provided crucial funding support for her final semester. Lauren was able to continue her education under the WIOA program as a dislocated worker, specifically as a spouse of an active-duty service member. This assistance not only relieved financial burdens but also empowered her to focus on excelling in her coursework.

Upon completing her program, Lauren achieved academic success. Her determination and hard work were recognized when she was named valedictorian of her class. Lauren passed the New Mexico board exam and achieved her goal of becoming a licensed registered nurse. Setting her sights on a specialized unit, she secured a position in the neurology progressive care unit at Presbyterian Hospital, where her dedication and compassion continue to shine.

Today, Lauren thrives in her role as a full-time registered nurse at Presbyterian’s main hospital, earning an impressive hourly wage of $36.86, and reaping the rewards of her perseverance and commitment. Grateful for the opportunities granted by the WIOA program and the unwavering support of her case manager, she embraces a future filled with professional growth and fulfillment in the healthcare industry. Lauren’s story exemplifies the transformative power of education, determination, and support in realizing one’s dreams of a rewarding career as a licensed registered nurse.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Evelina Entered the WIOA program in August 2022. At that time, she was receiving unemployment benefits and qualified to participate in the WIOA dislocated worker program. Evelina had 20 years of experience in the medical field while employed as a medical assistant but knew it was time to upgrade her skills.  During the height of the Covid pandemic Evelina was on the front lines as a temperature screener for several clinics. She saw how understaffed the hospitals were and knowing that work in the medical field was her calling felt strongly that she wanted to become a Nurse.  She wanted to make a difference in the world and this occupation would definitely provide for that but would also increase her skill and income levels.  


Evelina decided to enroll into the LPN program at Brookline College. When she started the program, classes were mostly online, and it was a difficult transition to switch to the hybrid model and then eventually to in person classes. She was very excited to learn new skills, and often spoke of the difficult workload but always felt confident that she could keep up.   


A few months into her program her unemployment benefits ran out.  This created an obstacle; Evelina had to figure out how to continue to pay for living expenses but was steadfast and worked it through.  Evelina maintained high grades throughout her program and remarked, “I enjoy putting my previous skills and techniques to use while learning the new skills required of an LPN in a clinical setting”. 


Once Evelina Graduated, she took a position as a medical assistant until she could pass her NCLEX exam. Once she passed the exam, she was excited to share the news with her CDS, along with the offer letter she received from Lovelace hospital. Not only did she pass her exam but was offered a new job in the same week! She started the position on 12/11/2023. She is so excited to be in this new career and can’t wait to make a difference in her community and help people in her new role. Evelina remains employed full-time with Lovelace women’s hospital as a Licensed practical nurse making $28 an hour. Evelina told her CDS “It’s been an amazing journey”.  She thanks the WIOA Program for providing her with a great opportunity to make her dream come true.   

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – David Journey through the WIOA program was a testament to his resilience and determination to provide a better life for his family. Initially referred by a friend who had also benefited from the program, David entered WIOA in February. When David came to us, he was juggling full-time employment and occasional shifts at a second job. He knew the path ahead would have challenges, but the prospect of brighter opportunities for his wife and two children propelled him forward.  With a wealth of experience in transportation, David chose to stay within the industry, intrigued by the prospect of traveling through long-haul journeys. 


David tried a commission-based job in pursuit of more financial stability for his family, but it was unpredictable. Recognizing the need for a more dependable income, he resolved to pursue his CDL. David viewed it as an opportunity for stability and a chance to try something new outside his traditional 9-5 jobs.  


David qualified to participate in the WIOA program as an adult and decided to enroll part-time into the CDL Program at Phoenix Truck Driving School.  Phoenix was his first choice because he could work while participating in the program.   He knew school, work and family would be hard to balance but was very determined to carve a path towards success; he went through the program with ease. Despite the demanding schedule, his dedication was intensified with the encouragement of his family.  


Throughout the program, David’s performance surpassed expectations. It came to him naturally because he was so excited about it and felt encouraged. He acquired his permit and soon after, his temporary Driver’s License, quickly reaching this significant milestone. 


On May 22nd, David proudly earned his CDL, a tangible testament to his hard work and perseverance. He has been actively searching for a position in his new field. David has had three interviews and remains optimistic, his sights are set on a future of self–sufficiency. Until the moment he secures a full-time position aligned with his newfound qualifications, he will remain with his current employer. He is hopeful that he will find employment and thankful to WIOA for the assistance.  

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Valencia County – Gabriella is a 24-year-old with a drive to be a successful Dental Hygienist. Gabriella first met with her CDS to build her employment goal and identify the objectives leading to it. During that time, they discussed potential barriers that Gabriella would have to overcome while she attended the Dental Hygiene program at PIMA. Gabriella wanted to be the first child in her family to receive a degree from a college or trade school.

While in the program, Gabriella faced many challenges. One being that transportation costs were getting very expensive for her commute back and forth from school; with very little income, she struggling to find the funds required each week. We discussed the option of Supportive Services that could assist with transportation costs, Gabriella was very appreciative of the additional assistance, and it seemed to remove some of the burden she had been carrying.

While she was going to school, Gabriela was working part-time to make ends meet. She had to become proficient in managing her time to enable a good work/school balance.   She stayed up late at night to assure that her assignments were completed on time and had to get up early to attend clinicals.  Despite the obstacles, Gabriella was very successful in her classes and maintained a 3.5 GPA or higher throughout her time at PIMA Medical Institute.

When she finally reached her final semester, she felt like there was finally light at the end of a long tunnel.  Gabriella finished her semester strong and was able to pass her state boards. She applied for and obtained her licensure and was hired as a Licensed Dental Hygienist at La Familia Medical and Dental where she works full time at a rate of $42.00 an hour.

Gabriella has obtained her immediate employment goal and no longer worries (so much) about how she’ll meet her monthly expenses.  She thanks the NM Workforce Connection, her Career Development Specialist and WIOA for the opportunity that has changed her life.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Anthony (Kristy) Is 25-year single man with zero dependents. He is a high school graduate and comes from a family of truck drivers. Anthony began his WIOA experience as a youth and was co-enrolled into the Adult Program to enable additional training assistance that could lead to self-sufficiency.   

Anthony was employed with Redline Plumbing making $14.00 an hour, when he came in to see us, which qualified him as a low-income adult.  His assigned CDS worked with him to research training providers and programs that could fit with this work schedule and together they updated his employment plan and schedule. 

While in training, Anthony struggled to obtain his learner’s permit. He was working 10–12-hour shifts at work and found very little time to study for his exams.  He was not about to give up though and kept pushing himself to study to pass the test.  It took him 5 tries before passing the exam but he finally passed and earned his permit.   

Once Anthony earned his CDL Permit, he was able to go into the yard and start getting some drive time in. He spent many days learning maneuvers, backing up his rig and much more.  He felt himself struggling a little bit, so requested more time with an instructor until he felt confident enough to take the final test.  

With lots of hard work and struggle, Anthony completed the CDL Training program, passed the final driving exam and obtained permanent employment.  He is now employed with Swift Transportation LLC.  He is driving over the road and is earning a student flat rate pay of $260.00 plus bonuses (average $300). He is grateful for all the assistance provided through the WIOA Program.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Celestino A 28-year-old single man with a steadfast determination to improve his circumstances.  He had been employed as a pharmacy technician at Smith’s Food and Drug, where he found himself trapped in a cycle of limited earning potential. Despite his dedication, that job barely covered his rent, leaving him with scant resources for basic needs.  

Armed with a high school diploma and a certification as a medical administrative assistant, Celestino recognized the pressing need for further skill development to break free from the paycheck-to-paycheck struggle. It was at this point that the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program was able to step in and help. Celestino saw WIOA as a ticket to a brighter future, one where he could secure a career with the potential for advancement and sustainable earnings.  

Celestino was quickly determined eligible and worked with his assigned Career Development Specialist to research demand occupations and eligible training providers.  As a participant in the WIOA program, he was committed to acquiring the additional skills necessary to thrive in a profession that offered both growth opportunities and financial stability.  With a newfound sense of purpose, Celestino diligently pursued an LPN certification, leveraging his existing knowledge as a medical administrative assistant to excel in his studies. His commitment to the healthcare field only deepened as he recognized the vast opportunities it offered for career advancement and financial stability. Celestino made significant strides in achieving his goals and through dedication and a great deal of effort, he acquired the necessary skills to pursue his dream of becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).  

Recently, he reached a major milestone when he obtained employment as an LPN at a local rehabilitation center, earning a respectable wage of $28 per hour. This achievement not only fulfilled his immediate goal of securing permanent employment but also set the stage for future growth and self-sufficiency. With his career on track, he now sets his sights on further professional development, aiming to enhance his skills and pursue advanced certifications in the healthcare field. With each goal achieved, Celestino moves closer to realizing his vision of a fulfilling and prosperous career in healthcare. 

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Michael Always had an entrepreneurial spirit. As a young man, he would perform odd jobs for family and friends to make extra money. When he got older, he took up woodworking and carpentry. He began doing contract work and did well financially, but the most important part of his work was assuring that the quality of his work exceeded expectations.

When he married and started a family, contract work just wasn’t reliable in providing a steady source of income. The higher paying jobs required him to spend long hours away that impacted his family, but the smaller projects that allowed him to spend time with his family just didn’t pay enough to make ends meet.

Michael knew it was time to look for something more sustainable. After reaching out to Workforce Connections, he learned about the on-the-job training program through WIOA. Michael met with a WIOA business consultant who introduced him to Five Ton Monkey, a small fabrication company based in Albuquerque. The owner of Five Ton Monkey recognized Michael’s skill immediately and hired him.


The work at Five Ton Monkey pushed Michael out of his comfort zone and vastly expanded his skill set. Beyond just woodworking, he learned a variety of new mediums including metal, plastic, foam, epoxy, and even electrical work. Moreover, the range of projects Michael encountered gave him new confidence. He and his team have built movie sets, developed exhibits for museums, and created original works of art, all for paying clients. They are currently working on a project for the Albuquerque Zoo and have a contract with the U.S. Department of the Interior to build kiosks for national parks.


When asked about his plans for the future, Michael seems introspective. He is thankful to be where he is and doesn’t plan to leave. However, Five Ton Monkey is on a trajectory of steady growth, and he would like to grow with the business, perhaps eventually becoming a project manager. The stability and creativity afforded him through his work (and with the support of the WIOA program) was unimaginable a few short years ago. Ample reason to be thankful and excited for what the future has in store.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Sheila entered the WIOA program in August 2022. At the time of her application, she had been laid off from a mortgage company and was awaiting UI benefits. Shelia had been working in the mortgage field since 2020. Prior to that, she was the sole caregiver for her mom. After her mom passed away, in 2019, she wanted to find a job that would keep her busy and provide a good income.  The first job she found was a receptionist for a title company. She loved to interact with people and felt like that was the best fit for her. She found herself quickly moving up to Escrow Tech. It became a very fast paced job, and she was learning a lot about the Mortgage business. Shelia worked for a full year when she found herself being laid off due to lack of work. That’s when she saw the downside of the mortgage business, it could all change in an instant. Sheila needed to find work fast. She found a job in the Health Care Industry working for a lab. She liked it because it provided income, but it wasn’t what she wanted to do. She worked at the lab for 2 years when she came across a job posting for a Loan officer Assistant at a mortgage company. Shelia applied, got the job, and was only employed for 4 months before she was again laid off. She knew that she needed to find a career that would provide long-term, stable employment with a self-sufficient wage.

Sheila used the WCCNM resource room to conduct her job search and spent the majority of her day on the computer looking up job postings and researching different occupations. She found that the Health Care Industry was definitely a demand industry, but she was unsure about the specific occupation she wanted to pursue. After lots of research, she determined that Dental Assisting was the right fit for her. As she finalized her plan to enter a new career, the staff at the front desk provided her with information on the WIOA Program. She attended WIOA orientation, was assigned a case manager and quickly gathered and submitted all required documentation.  She also found a training provider for the Dental assisting course.

Sheila enrolled at AIDA, completed the Dental Assisting program, and earned her Certificate. While she was participating in her externship, she began to apply for jobs.  She applied with ABQ Health care for the Homeless and was hired as a Dental Assistant making $20 per hour.

She felt like she was finally on a career pathway that she was totally going to enjoy and thrive in. She hopes to advance in her current job and has plans for obtaining her Phlebotomy Certificate to enable work for an oral surgeon. Sheila is grateful for the WIOA Program that has provided her with a great opportunity for a new career that has great potential for longevity and room to grow.  She looks forward to embarking on her new career as a Dental assistant.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Javier  Held multiple jobs over the span of his career with no common industry focus.  He received his GED from Northern New Mexico Community College and became a GMAW Certified Welder.  He created multiple art pieces working with steel for local global artists.  He also worked on residential and commercial properties.  Javier also dabbled in the medical field where he worked as a Dental Assistant while completing a DANB certification.  

 When Javier became unemployed, he wanted to start over in a career that would have the potential for long-term employment while providing a comfortable standard of living.  While receiving unemployment benefits, he worked with his CDS to find a career that could provide longevity and a self-sustaining wage.   

Javier learned, from his CDS, how and where he could research labor market data and find an eligible training provider.  After conducting research, Javier found that CDL Truck Driving was a demand occupation with several local job vacancies.   He decided that the trucking industry could be good fit for him and could provide for the salary and longevity that he needed. 

He chose to attend the Phoenix Truck Driving School to obtain his commercial driver’s license (CDL).  He completed 160 hours and achieved an average 90% on his training and assessments.  He soon received his CDL Licensure and began to look for employment.  In March of this year, Javier was selected to fill a vacancy for a Truck Driver vacancy with the Los Alamos National Laboratory.  He is now earning $28.99 per hour and works 40 hours per week.   He loves working in Los Alamos and feels a sense of accomplishment.  He is happy and looking forward to long-term career in the trucking industry.  

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Valencia County – Rebecca Previous work experience was as a driver for a courier service. After husband passed away, she became a single parent who was living off SNAP and Social Security Survivors benefits.  She knew that given her current situation, driving could no longer be an option; she was now the sole provider and caretaker of her child. 

When Rebecca came into our office, she was unemployed and was seeking an opportunity to learn new skills that would put her onto a career pathway that could help her become more self-sufficient.  She became eligible and enrolled into WIOA on 8/7/2023. 

After interview and assessment with her assigned Business Consultant (BC), it was determined that she would be a good fit for the OJT program.  She would need training in any occupation chosen due to her limited work experience.  She was referred to Duke City Commercial for an interview.  The interview was a success because she was offered a full-time position as an Impak Coordinator.  

Rebecca had never worked in an office before and didn’t have the appropriate clothing as required by her new employer.  Her BC was able to assist her in the purchase of professional attire that helped to boost her confidence in the new position.  She also would need training in the use of the unique software the company used, as well as their accounting processes.   

Rebecca completed her OJT with the company and remains employed.  She exceeded the company’s expectations by quickly learning her own job but also by using those skills to assist other departments who were experiencing staffing shortages!  She is proud of herself and feels this opportunity will lead to a lifelong career. 

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Caitlin’s inspiring journey began as an office coordinator at Amerston Homes, where she was unfortunately laid off after two years of dedicated service. Despite the initial shock and fear of losing her job, Caitlin remained resilient. She had purchased a house six months into her tenure at Amerston, relying on her steady income. Fortunately, her prudent saving habits allowed her to weather the storm for two months after her layoff. With a mix of unemployment benefits and careful budgeting, she managed to cover her expenses, including her mortgage, during this challenging period.

As a single mother, Caitlin knew she had to stay strong for her daughter and managed to turn this setback into an opportunity to demonstrate courage and perseverance. Realizing the importance of job stability and demand, she decided to pursue a career in dental assisting. Despite concerns about tuition costs, Caitlin’s determination led her to enroll in a dental assisting program at Pima Medical Institute.  Through the support of the WIOA Program (as a dislocated worker), she was able to continue her education.

Upon completing her program and obtaining her Dental Assisting National Board certification, Caitlin wasted no time in applying for her dental assisting licensure in New Mexico. She set her sights on a specialty dental practice for better opportunities and eventually secured a position at Cottonwood Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Grateful for the assistance she received from the WIOA program, Caitlin acknowledges the crucial role her case manager played in her success.

Today, Caitlin thrives as a full-time Dental Assistant at Cottonwood Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, earning an impressive hourly wage of $19.50. Her work brings her immense satisfaction, and she is grateful to be part of a supportive team that feels like family. With her license and certification in hand, Caitlin looks forward to  a fulfilling career in oral health, eager to continue growing and excelling in her field.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Valencia County – Roberta came into the NM Workforce Connection, Valencia County office on April 26, 2023, to enroll into the on-the-job training program. Roberta had been receiving UI benefits after being laid off by her previous employer and was not sure what opportunities were available to her.  After completing all eligibility and assessment requirements she was determined eligible for WIOA service. Her assigned Business Consultant referred her to Action RV Specialist where she was interviewed by the team for the position of Parts Salesclerk.  She interviewed well and was offered the position when they all agreed that she was the perfect addition to the team.

Roberta had some previous experience working in parts delivery during which she became interested in learning more about the parts that she was delivering; she also wanted to interact with the customers more. She believed that she had not been able to achieve her full potential in her previous position.

When she interviewed with Action RV Specialist, the employer knew that Roberta would need some additional training, and both could really benefit from assistance through the WIOA OJT program.  Roberta had some transferable skills but needed more training to be successful in her new position.  The OJT program could help offset those additional costs associated with providing that additional training to Roberta.  She had a lot to learn, i.e., populating purchase orders, updating work orders daily, ordering parts, inventory, learning the Cirrus DMS system, understanding distributor websites and much more. She really needed an employer to take a chance on her and Action RV saw a lot of potential in Roberta.

Roberta was allocated 960 training hours on the OJT contract to help fill the skill gaps identified in her new position. She flourished in the new role and gained many new skills necessary for her new position, earning herself an unsubsidized full-time position.

Roberta was thankful for all the support that she received from the WIOA program and is excited to continue her path in this new career. She hopes to use her skills to move up in the company. She believes that the WIOA program was the thing that she needed to gain the skills and confidence that she was lacking.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Christian completed the WIOA Youth program in August 2022 where he received pre-employment skills along with work experience to help prepare him for a career pathway.   He came to us in March 2023 to seek additional services through the Adult WIOA program. His work experience was limited but he had obtained an associate degree in Computer Information Systems, and it was clear he had an interest and aptitude for information technology.  Christian needed help getting into the IT Industry.  He had a degree but lacked work experience and had been unsuccessful in obtaining employment.  Christian needed employment to help cover the cost of his financial obligations.

Christian came into the office to complete an intake and was qualified for the program as an Adult participant in March of 2023. He had never worked in IT, but his assigned Business Consultant (BC) knew that an internship could help him obtain the necessary experience.  Christian reached out to Automated Systems about an Internship position as a Marketing/IT intern. After an interview and discussion, he was offered an internship position starting at $14 an hour. Christian accepted the position, and a contract was quickly completed to enable Christian to begin training with the company.  He was allocated 464 hours of Work Experience to help him begin to gain the skills necessary for his new position. After 2 months, Christian knew that the Internship was not a good fit for him, and he needed a higher wage to meet his financial needs.  Christian accepted another position for $18 per hour but it was not in IT where he knew he wanted to be.   Christian returned to WIOA after several months and asked for another opportunity to help get him into the IT industry.  Understanding his financial requirements, his BC opted to find an IT position for him through an On-the-Job Training opportunity with Ardham Technologies Inc.

After referral and interview, Ardham Technologies Inc. offered Christian a Help Desk Technician position starting at $17.30 an hour. He started his OJT training on September 2023 and was allocated the training hours that would help fill his skill gaps. Christian successfully completed his OJT hours in March 2024 and was retained as a full-time employee with the company.  Christian is thankful for the opportunity that he received from the WIOA Program and hopes that his story encourages more individuals to seek employment and training assistance through the WIOA Program.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Hayley has always loved helping people and enjoys the rewarding feeling she gets from it.   She had worked for many nonprofits in her past and enjoyed the work she did but as non-profits go, they were never permanent positions. Some of the titles she had previously held are peace programs coordinator and communications coordinator. After working for different nonprofits throughout the United States and Mexico, Hayley decided to pursue her master’s degree, enrolling in the Highland University’s online degree program.  She is attending school to become a behavioral therapist. Although she worked for many great programs, she knew that without prior experience as a behavioral therapist it would be hard for her to start a career after she completed her degree program. She wanted to get started in the workforce as soon as possible and hoped to obtain some sort of internship that would provide her with the learning experience she needed to be successful.

Hayley came into the Workforce office in late July 2023 hoping to find more information about internship opportunities in her area.  She connected with the WIOA program, and her assigned Business Consultant helped set her up in an internship, working and learning from Ashley McKenna with Wild Magnolia Wellness. In her internship, Hayley earned $22.50 per hour. Her learning experience included things like creating diagnosis treatment plans, facilitating group therapy sessions, facilitating cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, administering substance abuse treatment, and included training on creating a recovery and resiliency plan for her clients, among many other things.

Hayley graduates with her master’s degree in May 2024. She is continuing her internship until she graduates and obtains her therapist license. Her supervisor, Ashley McKenna, has been very impressed with her learning abilities and her performance. Once Hayley graduates and has her license, Ashley plans to hire Hayley on as a full-time licensed therapist.

Hayley has successfully obtained and completed her WIOA internship. She is now set up for a career once she graduates and has received the learning experience she needed to be successful as a behavioral therapist.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Charles is a single 26-year-old. He attended our weekly orientation, seeking an opportunity to gain a stable career. Charles, at the time, had been living in his vehicle and didn’t know what he was going to do to support himself from day to day. He had applied for public assistance and been placed on a waitlist.

Charles finally made a decision that would impact his life in a huge way; he decided to enroll into the CDL Program at ABQ Truck Driving School to obtain his Class A CDL. He wasn’t sure what kind of challenges this would require him to overcome but he was willing to work through anything to move forward in his life.  Charles made it his goal to do everything he could to complete his course and be over the road.  He made up his mind that he was not going to give up.

On October 30, 2023, Charles received his Class A CDL and obtained a job with Swift Transportation. He is currently traveling throughout the United States and achieving what his end goal was “Employment” with a future. Swift has hired him starting off with $650 a week while in training and after training .51 cents per mile.  This is true demonstration of the huge impact the WIOA program can have on individual lives.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Nickie entered the WIOA Program in November 2023. At the time of her application, she was employed and receiving public assistance. Nikie wanted to further her education so that she could be a role model for her son and provide a better lifestyle for him. She chose Medical Assistance because the occupation has a lot to offer when it comes to pay, benefits and provides room for growth. She had other explored other interests like the Army or a Law Enforcement but when she hit some barriers, she took it as a sign that it was not meant for her.  When she made the decision to become a Medical Assistant, nothing seemed to get in the way of going to school. Nickie saw this as a positive sign and ran with it. She especially appreciated having the opportunity to gain direct experience with patients and being able to assist them in their daily lives.

Nickie enrolled at Carrington College in June of 2023 with a projected completion date of March 2024. Nickie started to work as a front desk receptionist at the New Mexico Pain Center and was attending school at the same time. As time went on Nickie was applying for every type of financial assistance that was available. Some of her peers at Carrington told her about WIOA and the assistance that could be provided. Nickie wasted no time, attended Orientation, was assigned a CDS and completed the paperwork process. Nickie was approved for WIOA funding.

Nickie completed the Medical Assistant program at Carrington College on 3/1/2024.  She remains employed, full-time with New Mexico Pain Center and will be promoted to a medical assistant. She expressed her gratitude for the great opportunity that the WIOA Program has provided her. She was able to find her way into an industry pathway with great potential for longevity, room to grow and to be a role model for her son. She looks forward to embarking on her new career in the Health Care industry as a Medical Assistant!

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Amanda enrolled the WIOA program in 2022.  At the time of enrollment, Amanda was working as a Barista and event host.  Amanda had only worked in the Customer Service industry and had limited work experience but wanted to make a livable wage while learning new skills in her chosen career path.  Amanda had been seeking employment with financial stability but had been unsuccessful due to her lack of experience. She came across some information about the WIOA program, and it sparked her interest.  Amanda had applied for numerous positions but had been unsuccessful until she was referred to IVS (Independent Vehicle Services) about an open position (Service Advisor).

Amanda came into the office to complete an intake and was qualified for the program as an adult participant.  She would need some help from WIOA to enable movement into this new career opportunity.  She discussed a possible OJT with her assigned Business Consultant (BC) that would enable her to gain the hands-on skills she would need to succeed.

Amanda spoke to Daniel Lang the Owner of IVS about a position as a Service Advisor within the Automotive Industry and was soon offered a full-time position starting at $15 per hour. Amanda accepted the position and her WIOA BC completed an OJT contract with the company.  Her employer was very happy with her work ethic and learning ability and retained her in her position permanently.

Amanda was again enrolled into WIOA for an OJT-Skill upgrade on 7/10/2023 when Daniel, her employer, promoted her to the Training Development Manager where she would be earning $31.25 per hour.  She successfully gained the skills necessary for her new position through the OJT skill upgrade.  Amanda has since completed the contract and remains employed with IVS in her new position and elevated salary.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Estephania  entered the WIOA program in August 2022. She was determined eligible to participate as an Adult and was already enrolled in the Nursing program at Brookline at the time. When she came to us, she was underemployed and just making ends meet each month as a medical assistant.  She loved her job and knew the medical field was right for her, but she knew her job at that time was just a steppingstone to the next level in her career that she really wanted.  She had dreamed of one day becoming a registered nurse so she could help more people. She had seen the empathy and great assistance provided by the nurses caring for her grandmother and thought that it would be the perfect way to give back and have a fulfilling career.  She wanted an occupation that could provide her with a self-sufficient wage and enable growth in her career.

Estephania decided to enroll into the BSN program at Brookline college.  She was eager to get started learning the ins and out of being a nurse. Estephania had to overcome a few roadblocks during training as she struggled to make it through her psych class, as an example. However, in the end it all worked out and not only did she pass the class, but she earned her degree. Estephania was determined to graduate and change their life.

After graduation, Estephania focused on finding employment within her new field.  She applied to and was hired was UNMH Women’s Specialty Care. She’s earning $ 29.65 but once she passes her NCLEX, her salary will be increased to $35 per hour.  She’s very happy in her new career and hopes to be there a very long time. Estephania is grateful for the help that WIOA provided and believes she wouldn’t be where she is now without the financial assistance.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Colexi (Lexi) knew she was tired of working in the customer service field in the summer of 2023. She didn’t know exactly what she wanted to do, just that she had to find something else. Lexi had spent the past five years working a dead-end job at a UPS store. It was the first job she got, right after she graduated from El Dorado High School. It paid the bills but was hardly the kind of fulfilling position that might lead to better opportunities.

It was the sense that better opportunities were out there that led Lexi to walk into a Workforce Connections Center in September 2023. She was interested in finding something that was akin to what she had done before, but also with more opportunities. Lexi was clearly intelligent and curious about what doors might be open to her. However, she was also hesitant because she had so little experience. After making a couple phone calls, her WIOA business consultant was able to find a position for her at Kings of Wrap, a Rio Rancho business that wraps vehicles, furniture, windows, and even buildings. Lexi was hired to step into the administrative assistant role.

After visiting Lexi on location at Kings of Wrap it is clear how effective she is. Her warm smile is the first thing customers see as they walk in the door. She explains the nature of the business with knowledge and a sense of pride, showing off several of the projects they have worked on. The success of Kings of Wrap is not only a testament to hard working employees like Lexi, but also to the Partnership of Workforce Connections itself. Workforce Connections has sponsored a handful of other employees in the 14 years since the business was founded. They were also instrumental in helping the owner get certifications, which has allowed the business to grow.

Lexi’s success is emblematic of the lager mission of Workforce Connections, without which she might still be working a dead-end job at the UPS store. For now, she hopes to stay with Kings of Wrap and would like to continue to grow with the company. She plans to step into more of a leadership role in the future and is excited about all the opportunities her new career has in store.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Sandoval County – Kelley’s journey began as a server at a chain restaurant in Alaska, where her husband served in the Air Force. However, when the pandemic hit the United States in late February, Kelley received a notice of separation from her employer, who had to lay off over 200 employees nationwide due to the COVID-19 Municipal Order. With her husband’s decision not to re-enlist and a desire to move back to New Mexico, Kelley and her husband relocated and settled into their new home. It was during this time that Kelley and her husband had a conversation about her future career prospects, and she became intrigued by the field of healthcare after researching the top ten healthcare professions online. Determined to become an essential worker and avoid the uncertainty of future job losses, Kelley set her sights on becoming a dental hygienist.

Recognizing the need to upgrade her skills and find a career pathway that would lead to self-sufficiency, Kelley extensively researched local dental hygiene programs. Eventually, she made the decision to pursue a two-year dental hygiene program at Pima Medical Institute, fully aware of the tuition costs. While she initially anticipated that her financial aid would not cover her education, she hoped her husband’s income would help cover the monthly payments. However, after a year of struggling to make ends meet, her husband decided to seek a second job.

Feeling worried and heartbroken about their financial situation, Kelley stumbled upon a booth of WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) staff members on her way to class. Intrigued, she attended an orientation at the Albuquerque Workforce Connection Center and discovered a federal grant opportunity. Due to the substantial layoff, she experienced because of COVID-19, Kelley qualified to participate in the WIOA program as a Dislocated Worker.

After successfully completing her Associate of Applied Science degree, Kelley faced challenges when attempting to pass her first board exam. However, with months of dedicated tutoring and exam preparation, she triumphed and passed multiple board-certified exams, clinical exams, and local anesthesia exams. Her hard work resulted in the obtainment of her Dental Hygiene Licensure through the state of New Mexico.

Kelley’s hard work paid off when she secured employment as a Dental Hygienist at Rio Rancho Family Dental Care. Grateful for the opportunities provided by the WIOA program, Kelley recognized it as a turning point in her life, offering financial security and the ability to improve her patients’ quality of life.

Today, Kelley proudly serves as a part-time employee at Rio Rancho Family Dental Care, earning an impressive hourly wage of $40.00 per hour. Her work as a licensed and board-certified Dental Hygienist brings her immense satisfaction, and she is excited to support her husband’s dream of becoming a pilot, as they can now afford for him to go back to school.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Pavlo is a 32-year-old single man from the Ukraine. Pavlo doesn’t have family here in the United States but maintains a close relationship with his family still residing in his country. He practiced law in the Ukraine and served in the Ministry of Justice.  He had achieved success in his career but had to leave due to the unrest that continued with Russia. Pavlo went back to the Ukraine for a time to assist his family in 2022 and then returned to the United States at his family’s behest to continue his studies. He continues to assist his family, financially when he can.

Pavlo was employed PRN (pro re neta = as the need arises) and as his class schedule allowed. He earned his master’s and bachelor’s degree in law from The National University in Ukraine. When he moved to New Mexico he attended Central New Mexico Community College and earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology and law. While working as a Behavioral Health Technician at Haven Behavioral Hospital, he very much enjoyed helping people.  Upon further reflection, and with the unrest and devastation he witnessed in the Ukraine, he decided he wanted to do more to help people who needed medical assistance. He did some research on the schools offering programs in the medical field. He decided to enroll in Brookline College for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.  A degree in nursing paired with his degree in psychology would make him a valuable asset to any medical facility.

Pavlo had many sleepless nights throughout the program but made it through none-the-less. He successfully completed his training and earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. He is now working as a Registered Nurse at Presbyterian HealthCare Services in the Cardiac “Step-Down” Department (an intermediate level of care between ICU and medical-surgical wards) making $36.86 per hour with benefits.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Shelton is a single young man with zero dependents.  He had previously held various entry level positions all with relatively low pay in the service industry.   He knew he wanted to do more and earn a better salary but didn’t know where to start.   He came to the WIOA program to seek assistance with finding a good career opportunity that would enable him to earn a more self-sufficient wage.  He wanted to find a job where he would have an opportunity to grow and provide himself with a higher standard of living.

Upon interview with his Career Development Specialist, they discovered that Shelton had always had an infatuation with cars and the mechanics of the operation of cars.  Both knew that this could be the start of a new career. He was assisted with labor market research into the automotive industry and the possible occupations within.  Once he decided upon a career and occupation, he researched the training institutions that could provide him with the education and certification he required.  He decided upon Intellitec where he excelled in his training.

He completed the Automotive Technician program with a 3.31 GPA.  He was able to learn about Diagnostics, Engine Performance, Brakes, Steering, suspensions, and Diesel Engines.  He completed his Capstone Certification at Garcia Honda where he was able to learn theory, in a “hands on” environment.  He graduated in November 2023 and was hired to work in the Auto Service Department at Garcia Honda at a rate of $14 per hour within a week of graduating.   He now has a career in which he has opportunity to grow while doing something that he loves.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Maria had achieved her educational goal and received a Master’s of Science in Civil Engineering in December 2022.  She had been unsuccessful finding employment in the Engineer field after receiving her degree due her lack of experience. Maria had good customer service skills and had participated in some paid internships while attending school at UNM, but it wasn’t enough to make her more employable in her chosen field.  She wanted to make a livable wage while learning, hands on, in her chosen field, but she just couldn’t seem to get anyone to give her a chance.

Maria came across some information on the WIOA Program, and it sparked some interest.  She came into the office to complete an intake and was qualified for and enrolled into the program in April 2023.  She was assigned to a Business Consultant who, after an initial assessment, determined that Maria would be a good fit for an OJT.  She had never worked in the engineering field and an OJT could help her gain the actual hands-on experience she needed to gain the skills required in her industry and could help get “her foot in the door”.

Maria was referred to Marisa at Souder Miller Associates, an Engineering firm, regarding a position vacancy for a Staff 1 Engineer.  After an interview, she was selected to fill the full-time position starting at $30 an hour.  Maria accepted the position and a WIOA OJT contract was negotiated and finalized to enable a start date of April 17, 2023.  She was allocated 875 hours to enable hands on training to increase her skill level in her chosen field.  Maria successfully completed her OJT hours in September 2023 and stayed on as a full-time employee with the company.  Maria was thankful for the opportunity that she received from the WIOA Program and hopes that her story would promote more individuals to seek employment services through WIOA.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Shane entered the WIOA program in September of 2022. At the time of his application, he not working but was doing side jobs for cash and he had family that providing him with room and board.  He qualified to participate in the WIOA, Adult low-income program. When he came to the program, he knew that he wanted to get into a career that he could enjoy and that would enable him to support himself.  He never really knew what he wanted to do as a career but was open to anything.  Working side jobs, in the labor field, he was able to ask a lot of questions about different trades. On one job site, he was able to ride along in water trucks. The driver of the water truck was a CDL driver with 25 years of experience. Shane loved riding with him and asked him lots of questions about driving and CDL. The more time that went by the more Shane knew he wanted to be a CDL driver.

Shane enrolled into the CDL program at 160 Driving Academy.  He quickly became excited with the new career path he was on. Shane knew the program was a great fit; he especially liked that he would be getting behind the wheel training for over the road experience.

Shane started the CDL program on September 19th and got his permit his first week of school. As the training continued Shane made sure that he was getting as much time in the yard and behind the wheel as possible. He felt like he was ready and scheduled his first CDL final driving exam.  Shane was ready to test and was told that the truck for the CDL driving test had broken down and was not going to be ready for a few weeks. Shane was stressed. He felt like the more time that went by the more he would forget. Shane decided to spend his down time hanging out at the yard to help others with driving and trip checks.  After a few weeks Shane was scheduled to take his final CDL exam and passed with flying colors.

After completing the CDL training, Shane landed full-time employment with Western Express as a Buddy Driver, getting his over the road hours in, as a CDL Driver earning $19.  Shane expressed his gratitude for the great opportunity that the WIOA Program provided him.  With the support of his CDS, he was able to get into an industry with great potential for longevity and room to grow.  He now looks forward to embarking on a new career in the Trucking industry as a CDL Driver.  UPDATE:  At the time of follow up, Shane is now working for SYSCO, driving locally, making 29.00$ an hour.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Valencia County Martin is a single parent who has worked very hard to provide for himself and his son.  He started working with the City of Albuquerque, Solid Waste Department in 2017 looking for an opportunity to grow within a good company with the benefits he needed for his son.

Martin started as a collection laborer assisting the driver. He worked hard and soon began to stand out as a good,

dependable employee who was ready to move up in the department.  An opportunity opened up for a class B training program that would enable those who completed the course an opportunity to become a driver along with a salary increase.  Martin was selected by his supervisor to obtain his Class B License and participate in the program that would not only provide a wage increase, but an opportunity to move into a better position.

The program Martin was selected for would enable him to participate in a training program during the workday but did not provide for tuition.  Martin was referred to the WIOA program for assistance; he was determined eligible and enrolled into the program as an Adult in January 2023.  From that point forward, Martin excelled in the CDL program; he even developed a study group to assist his fellow co-workers to assure that not only he, but his coworkers as well could be successful in the program. His supervisors and instructors were amazed with the leadership skills that he showed.

Martin successfully completed the Class B CDL program at CNM on 04/16/2023 and he obtained his license on 04/25/2023.  Martin was promoted to Collection Driver earning $16.53 per hour plus benefits.  Martin is grateful to WIOA for the assistance provided to enable his career advancement and he looks forward to his next goal of obtaining his class A CDL to enable even more opportunity in his future.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Robert entered the WIOA program in October 2022.  At the time of his application, he was unemployed but not receiving unemployment benefits. Robert was receiving SNAP benefits to assist himself and son.  He was hopping from job to job to pay the bills but hadn’t had any steady income for 6 months prior to his enrollment.  He hoped to get away from customer service jobs and was truly ready for a big change.

When Robert became unemployed, he realized it was the perfect chance to go back to school and get into a real career. He wanted a job that was going to pay well enough to enable him to support his Child.  Roberts previous jobs were low-paying and temporary, and he wanted to explore something completely new and different that could help move him forward into a career. Robert loved driving and believed that a career in the transportation industry could be the job that would best suit him.

Robert decided to enroll into the CDL program at 160 Driving Academy. He was eager to get his permit and start learning to drive the big truck.   Robert enrolled during a difficult transition time at the school and experienced some difficulty with the instructors and getting enough time to drive and practice in the truck. Robert however was determined to make this change in his life and get his career moving. Despite feeling as though he didn’t get all the experience he was hoping for, Robert was still able to pass his exam and earn his CDL.

Robert shifted his energy into finding work in his field. He spent about a month looking for employment before finding his dream job at Empire Way. He very quickly transitioned from making the bare minimum as a trainee driver to now making over $1,500 per week. He gets to travel and see things he always wanted to do and see. Robert says he’s very happy with his new career and he hopes to be there a very a long time.  He has been employed 10 months with Empire Way and he’s loving it.  Robert remains employed full-time with Empire way as an over the road driver, making about $2000 a week, more if he drives more. Robert is grateful for the help that WIOA provided and believes he wouldn’t be where he is now without that funding.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County – Sergio enrolled into WIOA in September of 2022 as a dislocated worker and was interested in going back to school for Web Development. He was receiving unemployment benefits at the time and was looking at making a career change.  He had worked as a food server at different restaurants over the past few years.  Sergio started getting passionate about IT when he worked for Apple as a Technical specialist & product zone specialist focusing on sales. He knew he needed to obtain more technical training to be successful in the IT field. Sergio decided to enroll into the Deep Dive Full stack boot camp where he learned the fundamentals of modern web development, building great websites, and how, in-demand software can assist browsers to run perfectly.

Through a lot of hard work and dedication, Sergio completed the Deep Dive Full Stack Program at CNM Ingenuity on December 9, 2022. He was eager to enter the workforce but had some challenges to overcome, mainly due to his lack of prior experience. He was having a difficult time getting interviews and started to feel defeated. His career development specialist referred him to the WIOA business team to see if they could help.

After about 3 months, Sergio was beginning to get worried that he wouldn’t be able to find work in his field. One of the business representatives contacted him to ask how he would feel about participating in an internship with a company that was searching for Software Engineers. Sergio thought it would be a great opportunity but felt nervous that he didn’t have the appropriate skills to be successful in the position. The BC sent his resume to the company, and they were extremely interested in providing the work experience that could help expand his knowledge. Sergio begun his internship 03/13/2023 at Tau Technologies and focused on proving troubleshooting, software design and documentation in full stack development, and implementing software libraries as well as writing software manuals. Through his internship, Sergio grew more confident and realized this was something he could see himself doing long-term. Through the next 4 months, Sergio advanced his skills and continued to grow in C++ documentation and website design, as well as converting python code into C++ for performance gains.

As the internship ended the BC inquired with the employer as to Sergio’s “fit” with their company. They agreed that Sergio was a great fit for the team and were eager to keep working with him. Sergio was able to move into an OJT contract paying 50% of the hourly wage to help offset the training costs required to fill the skills gaps associated with his full-time position. After he completed his hours, Sergio was offered an unsubsidized full-time position earning $25.00 an hour as a software engineer.

All within the year, Sergio went from being unemployed and collecting unemployment benefits, to going back to school, obtaining an internship, and receiving a full-time job offer. Sergio stated that the support he received from WIOA was what led him to his success, and he is so thankful to all the WIOA staff that supported him along his journey. He is looking forward to his new career and is eager to show case his talents.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

Bernalillo County Mary is a single 34-year-old who had a rough transition into adulthood.  She had decided to attend college early in life and receive her credentials in CPC-A (Certified Professional Coder) back in 2014.  During that time Mary made several poor choices that lead to a lapse in her license with no ability to re-test.

After 10 years, Mary decided that it was time that she focus on getting her education in order and renewing her license.  Mary had major challenges that seemed to keep her from moving forward.  She had been terminated by her previous employer and was receiving unemployment benefits, but it wasn’t enough to provide a stable living situation for herself.  She had no job, and lots of student loan debt which had been haunting her since her previous educational experience.

As she got older, she realized that there were a lot of alternate resources available that didn’t require taking out additional student loans. She learned about the WIOA program and took advantage of the funding. Mary’s dream was to become a CPC-A once again.  Mary reached out to the Workforce Connection and met with her future case manager to build a plan.  After conduction research, Mary decided upon Coding Clarified, an online based school. Mary completed the 80-hour course ahead of schedule on December 19, 2023.  She is now employed with Medix Temp Agency, assigned to Bridge HCP.  She is back on track and has started her career once again as a Certified Professional Coder.

WIOA Title 1.B, Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs